There are some really amazing photos of fire rainbows out there (check out this one!). None of ours were that spectacular, but some of them were really quite nice--very noticeable and worth taking a picture of. Unfortunately, I never seemed to have my camera handy whenever the best ones were shining. I did take my camera out at one point to search for fire rainbows, but I only got shots with tiny little faint ones. Mostly, I just took pictures of some cool clouds. Here are some of the shots I took. See if you can find the fire rainbows in the last two.
Yes, that's my car.
Find the rainbows!
I'm going to reunions this weekend, leaving on Thursday, and I plan to be, uh, occupied tomorrow afternoon and evening, so I may not have any more posts until next week. Next month. Eek. Can you believe it's almost June?
Pretty! I only recently discovered halos -- similar phenomenon I think, high, ice-crystalish clouds:
I don't think we get anything like that here in the UK... maybe in the Scottish highlands or something.
I need to do some more cold-weather photography darnit!
Nice. Those light pillars and sundogs are pretty cool, too.
I won't be doing much cold-weather photography in Hawaii. Luckily, there will be plenty of other things to take pictures of.
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