Seeing how it's still March, and thus Women's History Month, I have an excuse for a feminist post (why I should feel like I need an excuse is another issue...). Having read some interesting pieces on female characters in video games in the recent past, the topic has been on my mind. In this series of posts, I will share my thoughts on various issues of female characters in video games, as well as articles that helped provoke these thoughts.
Post #1:
Depiction of women in video gamesPost #2: (below)
Post #3:
Female protagonists in video gamesGood female characters in video gamesExtra Credits did a great video on the subject of what makes strong, realistic female video game characters. Concise, thoughtful, and amusing, it makes better points on the matter more eloquently than I could. So check it out:
The more I think about your idea of a mother character as the main protagonist, the more I like it. Personally, I think a natural disaster would work, too, like the tsunami in Japan, as an obstacle setting with plenty of room for heroics, gaming tactics and puzzle solving. There's plenty of data now (from companies like Zynga) showing that women, and specifically mothers, are interested in gaming. Somebody smart could make a lot of money in that market with an RPG that appeals to women who enjoy a challenge but don't like the type of violence they see in first-person shooters.
That's a great idea! I often forget about the huge audience that enjoys non-violent games (e.g. The Sims is hugely popular), but I'd imagine that audience is probably largely female. And just because certain gamers don't want violence doesn't mean they don't want a chance to be heroic. Someone needs to make this game!
Well, Jade from "Beyond Good and Evil" is not a biological mother but she runs a small orphanage and is a loving foster parent to all the kids she takes care of. Large part of the game is about obtaining money to keep her orphanage going.
Oh, I don't know that game. That sounds very cool! Thanks for the example :)
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