But now I've actually played it myself. It is awesome. So, so awesome. Extremely unique, amazingly clever, very funny, and enormously fun. My favorite thing to do: use high downward momentum (from falling from a high place) into a portal on the floor to come shooting at high horizontal speed out of another portal on the wall (momentum is conserved relative to the portal) to get across chasms or over obstacles. Great fun.
It's a pretty short game--one could finish it in an afternoon and evening. Short but sweet. So if you're worried about wasting too much time playing a game, don't worry about this one. If you think it sounds too short to be worth it, remember that it's FREE. Seriously. How could it not be worth the price of nothing? Get the game! The free offer runs out on May 24. That's this Monday. Get it now.
There will be cake.

Don't listen to her! The cake is a lie!
But seriously, since I own two Macs I was so excited to get this game (for free no less) and I beat it yesterday. It was AMAZING and surprisingly funny.
Yeah, it is amazing. There isn't very much writing, but what there is is all very clever and funny.
Shame on you lady, lying to the poor people. The cake is a lie!
This cake is great.
It's so delicious and moist...
Stop lying to people about the delicious cake!
My Hub learned to play the GlaDOS song from the credits and sings it randomly just to freak me out...
That's awesome! I was so delighted when it came on over the credits, I made the mistake of listening to it a few more times on YouTube videos. I had it stuck in my head all yesterday!
I told you it was one of the best games ever made... :P Now you can see why we're so excited about the 'feature-length' sequel that's coming this autumn.
Anyway, now you need to get a Wii and Super Mario Galaxy -- which probably IS the best game ever made.
Well, other than Super Mario Galaxy 2. Actually, it's already out there, damn 'America'.
Yes, I'm very excited for Portal 2...though I guess I'll actually have to pay for it.
So what's so great about Super Mario Galaxy? Now I need an Xbox 360 and a Wii!
It's just so FUN. So perfectly made. The kind of game you can give to your mother and she'll actually work out how to play it on her own... and enjoy it!
And somehow SMG2 is better.
Not to mention it has a fully-orchestrated soundtrack...!
It's just so GOOD.
*Sigh* Sounds nice. Maybe someday I'll be able to play it.
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