One of my lovely geeky Christmas presents this year was a wampa plush from Star Wars Celebration V (still available on
ThinkGeek). When I brought him back home, he became best friends with the
Jedi Bear my boyfriend gave me before leaving for Antarctica. Now, I know Luke wasn't dressed in Jedi robes when he faced the wampa, but I couldn't resist putting this photo shoot together.
Use the Force, Jedi Bear.
En garde!


Jedi Bear disables the wampa.

No hard feelings.
No wampas were (permanently) harmed in the making of these photos.
Thanks for brighten up my day!
Haha, you're welcome! I amused myself with it :)
So adorable!! :)
I'm glad to hear that no wampas were harmed. :)
I seriously considered getting one of those at Celebration V. They were so soft!
Very fuzzy, and cute! Though mine has a bit of a sleepy left eye. I guess it gives it character.
When I saw that it had the detachable velcro arm, I just fell in love :)
That is so cute!! It put a huge smile on my face. hahaha
That's a cute wampa! I just love it!!!!!
Aw, thanks. Yeah, I love my geeky stuffed animals :)
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