Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Geek Pride Day!

Apparently, today is Geek Pride Day, a day for geeks to celebrate their geekiness. It is a fairly new unofficial holiday, first celebrated in 2006. The date of May 25th was chosen because it was the day in 1977 when (as Star Wars geeks know) the first Star Wars movie was released.

I didn't actually know about Geek Pride Day until I got to work. Luckily I am a proud geek every day, so today I happen to be wearing an appropriately geeky t-shirt. The dragon on the side isn't just any dragon, but the dragon logo for BioWare video game Dragon Age: Origins.

Anyone recognize the board in the background? Since finals I haven't had reason to use the board again, and I like to leave the equations up there to scare away the biological and chemical oceanographers who might wander into my office. They should fear us physical oceanographers. We are mighty.

There was a very monumental event recently in geek world, and by that I'm referring to the Lost series finale that aired on Sunday. I will have some words to say about that soon enough, but I may want to combine it with reflections on the season finales of a few other shows, so I might wait until after FlashForward has its finale. Or maybe I'll decide Lost should get its own post. We'll see.

Now I'll just have to think of something geeky to do this evening. Play more Portal? Watch The Guild? Big Bang Theory? (I'm trying to get The Housemate caught up on both.) It shouldn't be a stretch for me to find a geeky way to celebrate the day. If you're reading my blog, chances are you are also a geek in one way or another. So happy Geek Pride Day! Have a good one.


Angel said...

Happy Geek Day to you too! If I may be so bold as to suggest a way to celebrate: you should check out an Interweb cartoon called Doraleous and Associates. A wonderful combination of LOTR style stereotypes in a made up world of awesome. And Sir Walken, of the Christopher Walken clan. Which is just special.


Kara said...

Happy Geek Day! I wore my capsaicin molecule tee and watched BBT today! :)

Eleni said...

Angel - Thanks for the suggestion. Just watched the first one. Very funny. Haha, Sir Walken.

Kara - Thanks! Sounds like a good day!

Unknown said...

Happy Geek Day..belated. Well then unknowingly i did a blog makeover on just the right day..all by myself..using my IT skills to edit template and blah blah blah

Great blog. I am following it now.

Eleni said...

Hi Meg!

Thanks. Yes, that is a suitably geeky activity for Geek Pride Day :) I ended up watching both The Guild and an episode of Big Bang Theory.

Soph! said...

Oh dang it! I missed geek pride day! ah, well. Next year!

Eleni said...

Hi Soph!

Yeah, I almost missed it, too. There will be other occasions to celebrate your geekiness, I'm sure :)

Sebastian Anthony said...

You look good with a tan, m'lady...

Eleni said...

Why thank you. And I plan to go to the beach more often this summer, so I'll get an even better tan. I even just bought a new bikini.

I was thinking back to the pictures I took with the skirt and the socks, and how white my legs looked. If they could see me now!

Sebastian Anthony said...

Well, you should SHOW them... or me at least...

Eleni said...

I don't know, I feel like I need a special occasion for that. I'd need a good reason. Inspiration.

Sorry :P

Anonymous said...

Where can I get that shirt? I've looked everywhere!