Friday, November 12, 2010


Just wanted to share an xkcd comic from this week, since it describes a part of my life right now.


7,655 miles (12 320 kilometers) is a long, long way. Email and gchat don't feel like enough. And it's only been two and a half weeks. Three months (or more) to go...


Soph! said...

I've been there. *hugs*

Eleni said...

Aw, thanks!

Amy said...

I've been there too. Not quite so far though. *more hugs*

Andhari said...

Been there, it's crazy but manageable. Just skype a lot :)

Eleni said...

Amy - I guess once it gets past a certain distance--where visiting isn't an option--then it doesn't matter how much farther they are. Thanks :)

Andhari - Skype doesn't work on their network, but in his most recent email he said that if he waits until late enough at night, the bandwidth might be able to handle Google chatting. Yay!! Hopefully that will help.

Eleni said...

P.S. Andhari - We did manage to get Google's video chat working tonight. As long as it's late enough that there aren't many other people at his station using the network, it works pretty well. Woohoo!

Unknown said...

Awww. :( Good luck!