My cousins have an adorable dog named Wookiee. They think he's around 4 years old--he was adopted from a dog rescue. We don't know what breed he is, but it's probably a mix of a couple things. In general I think of little dogs as annoying yappy creatures, but he is the most mellow dog I have ever known. Totally sweet and easy going, he loves everyone he meets, but in a chill kind of a way. Really, mellow is the term that gets thrown around him the most. His fur is silky soft, and he gets a trim every couple months so it doesn't get too long. He's just so cute, and I love that they named him Wookiee. Since I can't have a dog of my own (current house rules and I wouldn't have the time anyway), and these cousins live very close to my house, he may become my substitute dog.
I took to photographing him as he chilled out on the beach. Here are some of the shots. Enjoy!

Relaxing on the beach

He found a "ball" to play with! (I'm not sure what kind of plant it comes from... some tropical beach thing)

Walking along the beach

Taking a break again, mellow dog that he is. Good camouflage on the sand.

Can you see why they call him Wookiee?
Most appropriate name EVER.
Isn't it? Not in temperament, but I guess that makes the name even cuter.
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