First up, the Big Island.
The Hawaiian islands are formed from volcanoes caused by a hot spot in the Earth's mantle. As the Pacific plate has moved over many millennia, the location of the hot spot under the tectonic plate has changed, causing new islands to form. The island of Hawaii, known by locals as "the Big Island" (it is the largest Hawaiian island), is the youngest of the islands and the one with the hot spot still underneath it. That means its volcanoes are still active.
I've been to Kona (known for its coffee) and Hilo and Akaka Falls, but the only photos I have are of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. I hear there's some spectacular diving off of the Big Island, so maybe some day I'll have more photos.
Misty Kilauea caldera

Halemaumau Crater

Closer view of part of the crater--I almost had enough to stitch together a panorama, but not quite.

It totally smelled like sulfur there.
On the national park's "Devastation Trail". I like this one.

Another look down into possible thresher maw territory, with the Halemaumau crater in the distance.

Here's one photo not from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. A turtle takes a break on a black sand beach. Having seen the rocks and soil in the previous pictures, you can imagine why the sand is this color.

Five years after a trip to Tenerife I was STILL finding specks of black sand about my personage...
Are you sure it wasn't just, like, grains of gravel? Or dirt?
Tenerife? That's cool!
It was black sand... with a high tar content... stuck EVERYWHERE...
Ew. Trying not to think too hard about what "everywhere" implies.
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